Thursday, June 26, 2008

Odd news: watch out for people armed with frozen chickens!!

Odd News:

Ypsilanti, MI made the national news!! That's my former place of residence. Apparently, some really cool dude decided to stab his mama with a fork and beat a neighbor with a frozen chicken. Both mama and neighbor are okay. Chicken shit obviously doesn't know how to properly thaw a chicken. Sheesh!

On a related note, this tale made me think that maybe the Clue makers should include a frozen chicken as a weapon in the next edition. "I believe Professor Plum murdered the poor fellow with the frozen chicken in the Ball Room!"

Link: Man Stabs Mom, Assaults Another Woman with Chicken

1 comment:

Julie said...

Frozen chickens have always been a problem. I remember stories where people threw them off overpasses, killing people in cars below.