Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What's shakin?

There was a whole lotta shakin goin on here in Southern CA today! Well, just 10 seconds or so... In case you live under a rock, Los Angeles experienced a 5.4 earthquake that was felt here in San Diego (a 2-3 hour drive away). This was my first earthquake experience...I'm not an earthquake virgin any more!!! Booyah!! One of my friends who also moved here from Michigan had been waiting forever to experience an earthquake as well, and he just happened to be in LA when it happened...lucky guy!

I know, I know..I should be a little worried about "The Big One", right? Nah...if it happens, it happens. My chances of dying in an earthquake are much smaller than dying by lightning or tornado in the East...or dying by car accident...or elephant stampede...or Rage virus.

In other news, I found out that one of our credit union members did not want to do business with me yesterday because she is a bigot...er, a devout Christian who is not permitted to do business with homosexuals. That is what she said to my manager, at least, when he asked her why she was so adamant that I not assist her. Funny, she let me assist her a few times before...I guess she got too much of a good thing and needed to resist temptation? Hmm... She had a horrible facelift performed on her that makes her look like she was once a man or is a drag queen, so I almost felt like calling her and telling her I don't do business with transsexuals. lol

How she could tell I am gay, I have no clue...I don't think I'm THAT obvious. Those good ol' bigots...gotta love 'em. Such sad people who are so closed-minded. I should also remind her that one of her fellow conservatives recently tried to shoot a bunch of more liberal Christians the other day...at a church. Now, how many homosexuals (that are out of the closet) go around shooting people because of differing beliefs? I think the bigots have us outnumbered on that one.

I'm not really all that offended...just thought I'd point some things out lol. And I thought I'd heard it all...


Julie said...

Maybe it was the Hawaiian shirt that tipped her off?

Whitney said...

Heh heh...maybe so! Fortunately, it sounds like our dress code is getting a major overhaul in time for the new year. Rumor is the Hawaiian shirts will only be worn on Fridays and Saturdays...and we can wear business casual Mon. through Thurs. I'm so excited!! Wait till Ms. Hag sees how I accessorize. lol