Friday ended with news of Tim Russert's shocking death while on the job. He was an incredible political journalist/analyst/host, and the political world will most definitely not be the same without him. The news world will be hard-pressed to find another like him, and finishing this historic election year without his involvement will be a darn shame, to put it lightly.
Tomorrow, Tom Brokaw will be hosting a tribute special in the normal timeslot for Meet the Press...I plan on giving it a look-see.
Link: Time.com's appreciation
Odd News:
Changing the tone to something more humorous (I hope), I came across an article about a squabble over apparent manhole danger in Mumbai. I'm not sure whether the alliteration in the headline or the contents of the article amused me more lol.
With tennis' French Open over with, there's not much in sports really occupying my interest, since all my baseball teams (the Braves, Tigers, and Padres) are playing like little leaguers. However, I was delighted to read about the results of Game 4 of the NBA Finals: the Celtics erased a huge 20-point lead that the Lakers held for more than half the game...and won the game...HUGE comeback!! I don't like either team and am not watching since the Pistons lost, but I always, always root against the Lakers and the pompous Kobe Bryant. Oh, how I still cherish the 2004 finals when the underdog Pistons topped the almighty Lakers...sigh...nostalgia is threatening to overwhelm me...moving on...

Only 3 days remain until Coldplay's newest album is released in the US (that's Tuesday the 17th for those who can't count)!! "Viva la Vida" is so wonderful, and "Violet Hill" is not too shabby either, so I hope the rest of the album follows suit. I've been hearing good things...3 more days till I press download on iTunes...woohoo!! I'm not excited...not at all...*wipes drool off mouth*

If you watch Battlestar Galactica and haven't seen the Season 4 "mid-season finale", stop now and run for your life!! Away with you!! That goes for any who are calling me "dork" under their breath too. lol
This season has been ho-hum for the most part, but the "mid-season finale" was frakkin awesome!! So much happened that I'm still reeling...the President and company were rescued, the incognito Cylons were revealed to all (with fascinating consequences), and most shocking of all, the fleet found Earth! And there are still at least 10 episodes left before the series ends. I knew after we saw all the characters celebrating finding the legendary lost colony that something bad would happen.
Sure enough, Earth is practically a wasteland in their timeline, most likely the consequences of nuclear devastation. One scene showed what looked like the remains of the Brooklyn Bridge and New York. It's looking like some people made it away from Earth and founded the other 12 colonies, eventually creating the Cylon robots, who would turn on their human masters and start another detrimental war. I guess that's where the phrase "It's all happened before, and it will all happen again" comes from.
I can't wait to see how the series ends, even though the second half of the season may not begin until next January or February! Ugh... The tv season is now officially over for me. That gives any non-Battlestar fans plenty of time to catch up...hint, hint.
Well, that's about it for now. I must now endure a weekend without my cell phone AND ipod Nano; I absent-mindedly left them behind at work today and can't retrieve them until Monday...oh, the horrors!!! Yeah...I'm a dork AND dumb lol.
I was really bummed out about Tim Russert's death. I always felt smarter after watching his commentaries.
And also, I have not watched Battlestar. I suppose you think it would be worth it to add to my Netflix list?
Same here...he was an extremely intelligent man.
And yes, Battlestar is very much worth an addition to your Netflix queue. The first 2 seasons are especially good. Yes, it's sci-fi, but there are no aliens, really. Just humans trying to find their way to the fabled Earth colony after their 12 colonies are obliterated as a part of the rebellion by the robots they created and enslaved. Lots of good eye candy too!! heh heh
And I like Battlestar more than I do Buffy, if that says anything...
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